Commonly Asked Questions
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Registered Dietitian Vs Nutritionist
Registered Dietitians (RD) are regulated health professionals. They are accredited with the College of Dietitians in their respective province or state and are held to a high standard of patient care, code of conduct and ethics. They have taken extensive time to become educated through a 4 year accredited Bachelor's degree followed by an internship. Many, including myself, also hold a Master's Degree.
Nutritionists don't have a regulatory body and, as such, there are not requirements or expectations on how they attain their education nor do they have the power to do some of the jobs that Dietitians do as it is not within their scope of practice.
Can I Use My Benefits For Dietitian Services?
Yes! All companies have their own benefits package that will have specific amounts and services they will cover. Check out yours to see if it will cover some or all of the costs of your sessions.
Do You Direct Bill?
No. I provide a receipt as proof of service and payment to each client at the end of sessions for them to easily submit into their insurance company. This receipt does have my licence number included as proof I am a Registered Dietitian so there is no confusion.
*Private Practice sessions are NOT covered by OHIP
Do I Need A Doctor's Referral?
For Private Practice, you do not need a referral from a doctor.
Do You Do Meal Plans?
No, I do meal planning with clients but I will not provide a meal plan to clients for a number of reasons. For one, it doesn't teach them anything nor does it help them in every day life when they wouldn't have their meals plan. Secondly, in order for a meal plan to serve a certain purpose or goal it must be tailored and adjusted for the caloric needs of the client so it is not something that can just be magically created.
Do We Meet In Person?
My practice is fully virtual so you can do your sessions in the comfort of your home. I use a protected video platform (or we can use phone if you wish) and I can share resources just as I would in person.
Can You Do Testing For Me?
No, I am not a doctor and so I cannot write requisitions for lab work or any form of testing. I can help you with what to ask your doctor for based on your goals and symptoms, but I cannot provide those for you.